Our food has a great effect on us. These old sayings are absolutely true - 'As the food, so the thoughts' and 'As the food, so the mind'. Bad thoughts arise from rajasic or tamasic food

Pure thoughts come from pure food. Good character is made from pure thoughts and good character is very important for the love of God. There can be no spiritual progress without the love of God.

Always eat pure, pure food. Saatvik food should be earned by virtue and honesty and out of that earning should be given to the elders and everyone else for their

Chemical Food makes our mind very fickle and leads it towards the world. It includes eggs, fish, saffron, pastries, salt, chili, spices, etc. and all stimulants, tea, coffee, hot milk and more.

Tamasic food creates laziness, anger etc. in us. This includes meat, alcohol, tobacco, intoxicants, heavy and stale food etc. In fact, too much of any food has a tamasic effect.

Sattvic food brings peace to our mind and generates pure thoughts. It includes fruits, vegetables, milk (in moderation and not very hot), butter, cheese, honey, almonds, barley, wheat, pulses, rice, etc.

Fair share should be given. Food should be simple and light and should be cooked and eaten in a happy mood. One should eat less and before eating, one should be thankful to the giver (God).

Impure thoughts are a great hindrance in spiritual progress. They are like poison. Be alert and immediately divert your mind from bad thoughts. If you scratch the pimple, it will grow into a toxic boil one day.

Always keep your mind engaged in remembrance. Does it cost anything? Keep chanting the name all the time, like small children keep repeating one, two, three, four. Sumiran is a great force.

Sumiran should be done with patience and perseverance, without stopping. It should go on continuously, without stopping, unbroken.

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My name is Ankit, I have come to talk about my mind, I know that everyone will like my words because I am a boy, we cannot share our feeling with anyone, then listening to some proverbs, we get entertained.